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I'm so pleased that this blog is prompting discussion within the wider legal community. On this page, you can find links to blogs and sites where Stiff Upper Lip gets a shout out, as well as other places where I've discussed mental health in the legal profession. I will keep adding to it as this little blog builds. Let's keep the conversation going!


I joined Beverley Densham on her podcast, 'Mindfulness Pilates', where we talked about my tips for managing anxiety and intrusive thoughts, and we did a little breathing meditation. If you don't want to listen to the whole podcast, I summarise our discussion here.


I joined Rachel Bale and Helen Pooley on a panel for Briefed's 'Leadership and Wellbeing Conference'. There's a helpful round-up of the event here.  


I was interviewed by Catherine Baksi for her 'In Conversation' series in The Times. I spoke about my own mental health struggles; the impact of coronavirus on my practice; workloads for baby barristers, and how the legal profession needs to do more to support practitioners' mental health. 


I gave oral evidence to the Westminster Commission Inquiry into the Sustainability of Legal Aid, chaired by Karen Buck MP, on life as a junior legal aid family barrister. My evidence touched on a lack of diversity at the Bar; a lack of financial security for legal aid lawyers; the impact of coronavirus on my practice; the stigma around mental ill-health in the profession and people being pushed out of the profession because they aren't supported, and much more. The Inquiry's full report was published in October 2021 and can be found here.  


Helen Conway's guest post on the loneliness of the judiciary was mentioned in the ICLR blog's 'Weekly Notes'


I have been quoted in a piece by Today's Family Lawyer on the mental health benefits of doing pro bono work


I spoke to The Student Lawyer on the importance of investing in your mental health, managing wellbeing during lockdown, coping with rejection, and more.


On 27th May 2020, I was on a panel for Young Legal Aid Lawyers South West on taking care of your wellbeing during COVID-19, alongside Joanna Fleck of Claiming Space and Siân Pearce of Bristol Law Centre. A write-up of the event can be accessed here


My post on mental health and pupillage applications has been reposted with permission on The Lawyer and Lawyer Watch.  


Legal Cheek has reported on the same post in this article, 'Call for pupillage candidates to get more emotional support. and they have included it in their 'Best of the blogs', a weekly roundup of the top legal blogosphere posts. Legal Futures covered it in this article, 'Pupillage deadline "should be extended or scrapped" amid Covid-19'. It was also mentioned in the ICLR's blog in its 'Weekly Notes'.


I recorded a podcast for Women in Family Law with Helen Conway on managing your wellbeing during lockdown. Further information can be found here


On 10th February 2020, I chaired an event hosted by Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL) Midlands on mental health and wellbeing in the legal sector. A write-up of the event can be found here



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