Podcast artwork by Kimberley Kenyon (@youcanbelostdesigns on Instagram)
Some exciting news! My friend and fellow family barrister, Maddie Whelan of Fourteen Chambers and I have started a new passion project: a fortnightly family law podcast called 'Professionally Embarrassing' (get it?)
Our first episode went live last Sunday and we will be aiming to publish fortnightly on a Monday. We did a deep dive into some recent case law, shared book/podcast recommendations, and generally had a bit of a chat about things we find interesting.
We hope that lawyers and non-lawyers alike find it fun and engaging. Tweet us your thoughts @PEmbarrassing and please do follow/rate/review us - it helps others to find the podcast.
You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, PodBean, Acast, Stitcher, Deezer, TuneIn and in the podcast tab in the menu above. Enjoy!